An autistic support teacher plays a vital role in ensuring that special needs students can get a proper education in a safe environment, according to Top Education Degrees. The following are some of the important things to know in terms of becoming an autistic support teacher and fulfilling the role’s responsibilities.

Education Requirement

The minimum required level of education to become an autistic support teacher is to acquire a bachelor’s degree. After earning a bachelor’s degree, graduates may choose to participate in one or more specialized programs focused on strengthening their credentials as autism specialists.

Whatever path is take to becoming certified as an autism specialist, demonstrating a reasonable experience and proficiency in special education and classroom management will be the most important factors in becoming a recognized teacher.

Necessary Skills

Because students on the autism spectrum can be some of the most challenging and patience-demanding students to work with, the necessity for significant skills in managing special needs students is very high. In addition to the “hard” skills in terms of educational experience, autistic support teachers need to have a naturally high amount of empathy and patience.

Without being empathetic and patient, it may not be realistic for a teacher to handle their classroom in the long term due to the very high demand of a special needs environment. In addition to having the right mindset, being an autistic support teacher oftentimes necessitates a higher level of physical involvement than what’s typical for most conventional teaching positions. It is very common to have to lift or re-position students in order to ensure their safety throughout the duration of the classroom, meaning that teachers should be comfortable with the physical demands of the job before they begin.

In addition to being physically capable enough to accommodate the students who have special needs for positioning, autistic support teachers also need to be very good communicators; this does not only apply to communicating with their special needs students, but also in terms of engaging the community as well.

Certification and Experience

A graduate certificate in autism can be acquired with 16 units of autism specific credits earned. In order to earn certification as a specialist in autism specifically, a Master’s degree is required. Aspiring autistic support teachers also need to acquire at least two school years of hands-on experience not only in caring for autistic students, but also communicating their families as well.


It will be highly important that an autism spectrum-specializing teacher has the organizational skills to put together detailed reports of their students’ welfare. Putting together accurate records is an only important for the well-being of the students, but also in maintaining compliance with state and employer regulations.

The specific responsibilities of an autism support teacher will vary depending on just what the requirements of their employer are in their specific environment. When working in a counseling environment, autism support teachers will perform special evaluations in order to determine just how severe the disability is; based on their findings, they may develop a IEP plan or make referrals in order to accommodate the students appropriately.

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When working in is strictly educational setting, and autism support teacher will share many of the convention responsibilities seen in the career of more conventional teaching roles: this includes developing curriculum material, managing the classroom, and using personalized delivery methods to ensure that each student can absorb the lessons.